vtimer is the length of that DNA * 2, so yeah, more or less unique to each gene.
I've added a *.thisgene to help make viruses. Should help eliminate the creation of random viruses.
Here's an empty viral gene I made using *.thisgene
Doesn't do anything but send viruses out (won't work in 2.35, this is for demonstration purposes only).
'*.vtimer = 1 then shoot virus
*.vtimer 2 sub sgn
'-1 if ready, 1 else
-1 mult
'1 if ready, -1 else
1 add 3 div
'1 if ready, 0 else
.vshoot mult store
'*.vtimer = 0 then make virus
*.vtimer 1 sub sgn -1 mult
'now have 1 if making, -1 else
1 add
'2 if making, 0 else
3 div
'1 if making, 0 else
.mkvirus mult store
'*.vtimer > 1 then do nothing
it wouldn't be too hard to apply some SB techniques to make a killer selective virus.