Author Topic: Coloniser(SB)(Spike43884)10-25-2014  (Read 4827 times)

Offline Botsareus

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« on: June 09, 2015, 04:18:19 PM »
Code: [Select]
'Coloniser (MB)
'By Spike43884
'Spawn just 1, right near a patch of veggies,
'it becomes intertwined with them.
'Nobody else will be feeding today.
 *.nrg 15 >
 *.numties 0 !=
 .fixpos dec
 *.robage 0 =
 314 .aimright store
 .deltie inc
 300 .eye5width store
 336 .memloc store
 336 .tmemloc store
 15 rnd 110 store
 *110 5 <
 *110 973 store
 *973 0 =
 5 rnd 973 store
 *.body 5 >
 *.nrg 80 >
 *.totalmyspecies 1000 2 mult <
 *.maxvel .dn store
 50 .repro store
 *.totalmyspecies 1000 <
 *.nrg 200 >
 50 *.body 10 mult sub 0 floor .strbody store
 *.body 1 >
 *.body 10 mult 10 sub *.numties store
 -98 312 floor 0 0 !=
 *.dnalen =
 *.numties 1 >
 *.numties .deltie store
 *.numties 0 !=
 *.robage 1 >
 *.trefxpos *.trefypos angle .setaim store
 99 .sharenrg store
 *.memval 13 =
 *.trefxpos *.xpos sub abs *.trefypos *.ypos sub abs pyth 5 div 10 sub 0 floor *.maxvel ceil .up store
 *.velsx .dx store
 *973 1 =
 453 .tieloc store
 3200 .tieval store
 *.memval 13 =
 452 .shoot store
 -1 .shootval store
 *973 2 =
 8 .tieloc store
 -31999 .tieval store
 *973 3 =
 452 .tieloc store
 -6 .tieval store
 *.memval 13 =
 453 .shoot store
 3200 .shootval store
 *973 3 >
 452 .tieloc store
 -1 .tieval store
 *.memval 13 =
 453 .shoot store
 3200 .shootval store
 *.numties 0 =
 *.body 1 =
 *.eye5 0 =
 *.memval *.dnalen =
 350 .aimright store
 *.eye5 0 !=
 *.memval *.dnalen *.refbody and
 20 >
 *.totalmyspecies 600 >
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 abs .tie inc
 *.memval 13 =
 *.velsx .dx store
 *.refvelup 15 add *.maxvel ceil 0 1 !%=
 floor store
 216 .shoot store
 1 .shootval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  296  '''''''''''''''''''''''