Bots and Simulations > Bot Tavern

zero evo behavior

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I, too, think that your caterpillar snake bot has potential, and I understand what you want. I always imagine pirate ships with those cannons on the side. Most real-life caterpillars have poison spikes on their side, so I think it would work very well.

Also, does anyone know what the RGB Memory Monitor is and what a good setting for it is?


--- Quote from: spork22 on March 08, 2015, 02:19:50 PM ---I, too, think that your caterpillar snake bot has potential, and I understand what you want. I always imagine pirate ships with those cannons on the side. Most real-life caterpillars have poison spikes on their side, so I think it would work very well.

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I just need it fixing, theres an unusual be honest, a few of my latest bots have weird bugs that the code shouldn't be making them do, like my veggie just dies, no reason for it, it just dies.

That may be due to settings or something.


--- Quote from: spork22 on March 09, 2015, 04:47:28 PM ---That may be due to settings or something.

--- End quote ---
I use default F1...


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