Bots and Simulations > Mutations



Loopdaloops are an evolved form of Lovebots, specifically a variant of Lovebot which I put a chloroplast gene into. So far, I don't think that the Loopdaloops are plants. They use the Lovebot's searching technique, a clockwise turn with four small intervals, to swarm in a circle-square fashion. Obviously, they swarm anything that crosses the swarm, eat it, and repeat the process until they can reproduce. Be prepared for them to multiply into a smal swarm of many Loopdaloops. Fortunately, the swarms they create are fairly localized so they aren't causing havoc everywhere. There are two variants, one that was exactly how it was when I discovered them, and one that I introduced from the first to evolve for a little bit. The most noticable thing about them is that they turn almost entirely in sync.

Mind giving a picture/youtube video?
It'll possibly kill my processor.

I can certainly try



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