Code center > Suggestions

The previous autosave feature was better.

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I think it was better when you could set your own save intervals and have multiple saves. Now there is only one autosave that is used and if that one is corrupted (which always happens when I get BSOD) then the whole sim is lost.

It's also less taxing on the hard drive to not save every 2000 cycles as it is now. Every writing to the hard drive shortens it's life span.

Well, I wouldn't keep all of the saves, but keep the last 3 saves...
Mhm, writing it to the harddisk....Mhm, I dont ever get BSOD so maybe have the option then the save the last save that was kept of that sim to the harddisk, rest to RAM and keep any manual saves on hard disk.

It's my laptop that is beginning to fail I think. I can have a sim running fine for a week and suddenly I get BSOD.

Because DB autosaves so often, and to the same file, I think the risk is high that it tries to save just when a hardware error happens, which makes the save corrupt.

So now I have to try to remember to do manual saves several times a day.

Testlund, you dont happen to be a expert in DB2 code?

Not at all.  :P


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