The quickest way to recreate what I am talking about, is load a jelly fish with 'save epigenetic memory as temporary gene' enabled in global settings. Then use one of the tentacles and save the dna out. When you load the robot back in it will be a motionless tentacle.
Thinking about it further here is what I came up with. Lets say I capture a sea snake with 10 bots. That means it will be loaded with 1/10x body and energy in proportion to a sea snake loaded from scratch. What I am concerned about is maybe such a configuration is too skinny and the sea snake from scratch will win every time. Maybe instead of limits I just multiply the body and energy by log(robots)/log(2) This way the multibot version has some kind of advantage. But maybe too much of an advantage, so I play with values greater than 2 and limit it so it never goes below 1. At any rate this reduces the problem to dialing in a single value. The reason I want log in there is to stop people from cooking up multibots that have 100s of bots in them as I want to eventually expose this thing to the leagues as well.
edit: The reason I want epigenetic memory saved in the first place is one of Billys robots set its epigenetic memory and than deleted the gene that set it making extracting a functional DNA imposable.