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Serios issues with windows8

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It is incredible how poorly something programed in vb6 runs in windows 8. I just had first hand experience. The worst of all is the unpredictable simulation hangs when you reconfig. settings. Anyone can advice on this, I personally have no idea what do about it.

Can it be possible that DB2.45.01 activeX components do not match what I have in my package?

Main reason why I ask: My package has the exact same run time librarys as version 2.45.01. There is nothing 'extra' about it. But people keep modifing the wiki on my to make it sound like you have to install the DB2.45 package, then make a backup of all files, then uninstall the package, then install the same package (2.48.15) being it is totally absurd.

Alright, I have something. Now if only I can track the memory leak.

The issue I got with win8/win10 is that after running a sim for a short while. I can't adjust most settings. They're pretty much set in stone after starting the sim...


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