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Darwinbots 2.48.14

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Minor bug fixing and an export of IM data for informational reasons. Download a Beta

Alright, another minor update to .exe, re-download now!

Why not a nice looking graph of the stats like it was before? I have to use notepad to read this.

The *.stats files are just used for communication with the server. There are going to be graphs at some time. Just not sure how and when yet.

Steps needed to be done.

1. Bickering between bots and me about the format.
2. Some changes in client and serverIM to transmit data.

3a. Persist data and make graphs through a website
3b. Broadcast messages back to all clients and let the clients build a graph.

I think I'll at least persist data in a db. So there's a way to look back into history. Then look how to get a graph showing in a browser.

Not sure if I will broadcast data back to the clients. Then I would need to build a graph myself or push the data back to darwinbots.
Bots, how hard is it to make graphs from json data returning from the server? (I suspect there's no json generator/decoder in vb6, which would complicate it)

No, there is not. But python is designed for science!  ;)
Also, I will not have to worry about how often to read a file and such.


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