Code center > Suggestions

Tides, as an addition to the weather aspect.

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So I was watching this last night

Dr. David Deamer - "Systems biology, synthetic biology and the origin of life"

He talks about the chemistry of early life, and how tidal pools may have moved it along through repeating wet/dry cycles.

Now I know Darwinbots has no "water" but it does have gravity and light.

So my proposal for tides would involve an "increase in gravity < increase in light < decrease in gravity < burst of Brownian motion < decrease in light < timer"

So the water goes out, leaving behind shallow water, increasing the sunlight and gathering all the bots at the bottom of the tank. Then a wave of water rushes back in, stirring everything, throwing bots upwards, and decreasing the availability of the sunlight, then a timer setting to keep the tides flowing (X cycles before next tide, duration of Y cycles)

Just thought a feature like this could be easily implemented, and add more variety to the darwinbots environment.

I wouldn't mind that idea if it could be toggled.

Toggling would be key. It would be like an addition to pondmode. Could be part of a larger weather engine really.

You'd have the pondmode, Botsareus' new moving sunlight mode, and a mode to mix up the water with tides, which is basically an enhanced pondmode.
I wanted an increase in light as the water gets lower, but thinking about it that should be also put on a toggle. Maybe one that varies intensity of light to simulate varying depths of water?

Sounds fun, pain to add though. Two reasons:

Pulling a new timer and variables from all over the place.
How to come up with exact values, that involves tweaking.

Also, just out of interest:

What do you expect the result of such a simulation to be?

Also, if I may:

I like how your signature gets to the point right away  8)


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