Well first off, the world (even within Darwinbots) is not that small that a virus of any power can destroy it.
Second point is, Can you give me any person here who actually has a life? That is upsetting.
Unless you are not here strictly as a hobby, which I am not, then it gets very upsetting quickly that other people will screw around with you because they don't have a life also.
It is like I can not escape Junior High in one of the worst Neighborhoods of Brooklyn.
If I do not have a life, why hint on it for all this years, obviously by now, this people or specific person does not have life(s) also, if they decided to keep this up.
At some point I was hoping they would cut the crap, and leave me in peace to develop this thing with people I can trust. Like Peter, or say PY.
In fact, I probably would have given up on this project sooner if that would have happened sooner. Because I would have assumed I figured out the world sooner. But I am still here. That is upsetting. I still feel like I still did not fully figure out all other thinking entities around me.