Bots and Simulations > Mutations

Evolved Gnat (evo)7.5.14


After several hours of gradually raising the cost multiplication factor up to 9.7 (without anything like an exctinction), I then selected the supposed best bot, and et viola! The genius of evolution! However, it loses against my newest version of gnat (not posted yet). However energy-efficient it is, it is not a good combat bot- pressure by costs is much easier than pressure by combat.

--- Code: --- start
 *.robage 0 =
 .deltie inc
 30 rnd 21 *.tieang2 -1 rnd 474 *.mkvirus *.myshoot *.totalmyspecies 100 *.refveldn 30 *.eye9dir 30 *.shell .dx inc
 *782 20 *.pwaste *.refxpos 20 sub 10 mult 312 *.sharechlr clearbool
 *.body 20 <
 *333 300 *.eye7width and
 100 .strbody store
 *.body 500 .trefaimsx store
 312 100 and
 *.trefaimsx *.trefdn *.out6 *.mkpoison *.body 500 <
 *22 1 =
 *.trefvelyoursx 313 *.in2 clearbool
 *.eye5dir 725 *.readtie *.eye2width *.nrg *.refdn 10 mult div 800 >
 *.strbody *.out9 *.edge *.backshot *.vtimer .dn store
 50 .repro store
 628 *.trefup 5 *.tin8 clearbool
 *.eyef 0 >
 *.myeye *.refeye !=
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 *.refvelup 100 *.eye5 sub add *.in6 abs - floor .up store
 *.refveldx .dx store
 *.eye5 50 *.myeye *.refeye store
 *.eye5 50 >
 *.myeye *.refeye !=
 -6 .shoot store
 *.tin6 *21 *.in8 =
 *.myeye store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  152  '''''''''''''''''''''''
--- End code ---

So far in the sim, there are no typical evolved behaviors, like cannibot-ism. Mabye I should post it.

Yep, trying out this bot again, it is rather unusual for an evobot.


--- Quote from: MysticalDumpling on November 13, 2015, 04:18:06 PM ---Yep, trying out this bot again, it is rather unusual for an evobot.

--- End quote ---
It'd be brilliant if you could throw me up the settings your using to add the pressure on, and so forth.


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