Author Topic: Continuing the Specialization Thread  (Read 3745 times)

Offline Numsgil

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Continuing the Specialization Thread
« on: February 22, 2005, 08:59:58 AM »
I'm working on energy types right now and I figured how to incorporate specialization with them.

Each robot will have a muscle array.  Muscles in spot 0 work for all actions but muscles elsewhere can only perform one specific task.  However, 1 muscle unit specialized to moving is much more powerful at moving than 1 muscle unit that's generalized.

Muscles are moved to daughter cells during reproduction like energy and everything else is.  (I'm working on having waste, pwaste, etc. moved to daughter cells as well, the same way energy is).

The power of an action would be something like muscles(0) + muscles(action) * 20, or something like that.

Poisons now can target muscle groups in addition to memory locations.  To render a bot mostly immobile, you can target the movement muscles.  To hinder a bot generally you can target the generalized muscles.  This could be accomplished by storing a negative number in ploc.

Venom would still only target memory locations since it is command based.

Dissassembling muscles will need to be expensive, so bots can't easily change specializations out of the blue.  Maybe muscles take a while to build?  (I'm using the idea here that muscles are built from proteins, instead of schvarz's version that proteins are muscles).

This solves the inheritance vs. practice debate nicely, since it does both at the same time.