Bots and Simulations > Evolution and Internet Sharing Sims

Its almost the day guys

(1/8) > >>

I got a FirstBot evolved from scratch that kills I_FLAMMA in F1 mode.

//Now, I need the physics and the Dna code to stay the same for a couple of virsions like maybe 3 weeks, so I wont have to download the new DB and reevolve the robots each time...//

I am so happy it finaly starting to pay off.


Here it is , DO NOT put to F1 mode , I am not done with it yet.

(Its a tie bot (that does not eat through ties <--- it will , it will))

Bot8g -->

Are you using the latest version?

I ask only because the latest version should format DNA code into easier to read lines based on store, inc or dec.

I know Num, I was to lazy to copy and paste it.

But did any one actualy see it in action yet? Num?

I'm too busy working on instabilities in my Euler method for tie force integration.


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