What I really like to see in evolution simulations:
- The emergens of 'Tie-Feeders', because this is much better than shooting.
- The emergens of 'Removal of Birth-Tie', because in a highly chaotic and unfriendly world you dont want to struggle with you mother and use a lot of energy.
- The emergens of 'Conspecies-gene' (or whatever it is called), you can argue for and against this one, but often a 'genome' killing its offspring or relatives, is not desirable in the evolutionary race.
- and so on...
- ....
Millions of these things you all design has yet to show up in the real simulations! I have not seen one of these things.
When I run evolutionary sims, I always use a very simple bot. Simple to not have the many advantages from the design of fighterbots and ideas from all you, but complex enough to survive in a very hostile enviroment.
The only logical mutation I have ever seen (or so I think) is the veggies evolve into a cancer-like veggie.
I would dare say that 99 % of all simulations we run is unsuccesfull, and the original bot often
devolve into lesser fit bots.
I see [you]
[span style=\'font-size:21pt;line-height:100%\']SO[/span][/I][/you] much potential in DarwinBots, but it is lost somewhere in the middle of the code and because DB slowly
evolves into a game, which it is in some ways, instead of
evolving into the evolutionary simulation / artificial life simulation it actually is!
I really like DB, but I think we need a little more concentration on evolution and stuff like that.
I think sharz will agree in someways with me, but what do you all other think?
Should DB continue becomming more of a game, than a AL sim?
Check this poll/topic:
Evo sims