Author Topic: The amazing wikibot  (Read 24086 times)

Offline Tilthanseco

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Re: The amazing wikibot
« Reply #60 on: August 14, 2012, 06:00:56 PM »
Code: [Select]
*.body 200 <
*.nrg 200 > and
20 .dn store
.backshot inc
618 .eye5dir .focuseye add store
-1 .shoot store
50 .strbody store
*.eyef 0 > and
*.in1 *.out2 = and
-6 .shoot store
20 .up store
*.refvelup .dx store
*.body 200 >=
*.nrg 20000 > and
.repro inc
*.numties 0 = and
*.eye5 70 > and
.tie inc
10 .up store
*.refxpos *.refypos angle *.aim sub 35 *.focuseye mult add .eye5dir *.focuseye add store
-1 .shoot store
*.nrg 1500 >
*.body 100 < and
10 .mrepro store
600 .aimdx store
.mkshell inc
0 0 =
50 *.sharenrg store
*.nrg 2000 sub 300 div .dx store
1220 .eye4width store
*.body 200 <
*51 .out1 store
*.refxpos *.refypos add 999 store
*.eyef 40 >=
*.refypos 998 store
*52 *998 add 2 div 52 store
Undisputed creator of bot Sonar!