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New DNA commands

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there exist archaea bacteria that have the ability to mutate their own dna when the times get hard. and they do it by themselves

Yeah, but by increasing somekind of mutation parameter, not saying that they specifly replace base-pair, because now they need another enzym or that like.

If you .mrepro 99%, that's sort of a mutate command.

mrepro is often overlooked, but it's actually rather useful.

I'm reexamining this sort of thing for use with the new gene controls.  Viruses are going to be able to propogate like mad soon (I'm loosening their controls the same as with DNA).  Basically, I'm thinking:

currpos: returns the position of the currpos command in the DNA strand.
"what's its value": (I'm not sure what to call it) returns the value of the bp at the DNA position pointed at the top location in the stack.
"what's its type" (I'm not sure what to call it) returns the type of the bp at the DNA position pointed at the top location in the stack.
delete: deletes the bp pointed at by the valueon the top of the stack.

For example: currpos delete would delete currpos from the genome.

(Note that *thisgene would basically be analogous to currpos, but I'll get to that later).

These would all be commands, so you could do lots of deletions in a single cycle.  

The idea is to give bots the ability to delete DNA better than the delete mutations alone allow.  A self policing ability.  Of course, this needs to be balanced with rogue viruses deleting all the DNA in their host, which would just make them even more powerful.

While we're add it we need some sort of mechanism to create viral immunities, basically the strength of a virus on a host can be counteracted by some other value, such as minerals, or vitamins. I imagine it might be possible to add say penecillin, since its a biproduct in nature that could be done using a new waste type, and some slime/shell.


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