Author Topic: NEED PASSWORD FOR SVN:  (Read 9449 times)

Offline Numsgil

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« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2010, 10:07:01 PM »
Ok so far I still got:

B. Did you figure out the physics for true wrap around? (very glitchy in DB2 right now with big multi-bots)

Haven't thought about it till now, actually.  Should be doable, just a matter of handling collision detection properly by offsetting bodies that are near the edges of the world.  I don't think it'll pose a problem to do it robustly.

C. I know I have wrote before but, since you like the robots to 'stretch' and robots will 'attach' to each other at 'end points,' how will tie feeding look like (and work) ?

There's a topic somewhere where I talk about combat, I think.  Basically, bots get a single tie (think mosquito sucker) that they can use to attach to another bot and suck nrg out.  Although I might scrap it entirely depending on physics issues.  Springs and rigid bodies don't always play nicely together.  Maybe instead of springs, the tie is an actual physical connection that "welds" the two bots together.

D. I just had a crazy, complex, brain storm on this but, How do you want the robot skin lines to generate, and do you have any code on that already? If no, I will write a nice vb6 prog. that demos my method (although I will have a lot of fun figuring how to recode it into c#) It involves changing DNA into binary and using it as a pixel template for the later generated lines. See Suggestions : Say hello to my little friend.

Prolly won't do the "skins".  Seems like a lot of effort for very little gain (all the squigles look alike).

E: I think I found the 'meat' of the Graphics.XNA: "EnqueueDrawable", am I right, and where is it coded?

Graphics.Core is strictly an interface.  You need to go to Graphics.XNA to find where the actual drawing gets done.  It's complicated...  But graphics cards are complicated, too.  You have to batch stuff together to get it to draw efficiently.

F: just tried to 'Start Debugging' Graphics.Xna. I get:
The Project with the output type class library cannot be started directly.
why? what to do?

Run the testbed app.  It calls into the graphics system, and you should be able to get breakpoints, etc. working that way.

Offline Numsgil

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« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2010, 10:08:30 PM »
Clutter / ClutterSharp might be a good library to look into, cross platform (Mono), with OpenGL accelerated drawing

Do you mean this?  It looks more like a UI library than a graphics library...

Offline Shasta

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« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2010, 01:44:20 AM »
Yeah, that is the project. It is primarily for GUI and what not, but it also includes their Cogl API which wraps OpenGL. Looking back at it now, it would probably just be easier to use GTK# w/ Tao for a Linux version.

Offline Botsareus

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« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2010, 11:34:19 AM »
Prolly won't do the "skins".  Seems like a lot of effort for very little gain (all the squigles look alike).

I am still working the thing. The only problem is that it is 6 x 6 , so yea you run out of new vectors kind of fast. However, I will make  a couple of tweaks to further improve my consept, like i realsised that I was not using the whole buttom 3x6 of the low-rez grid. And, I will switch to base 255, instead of onces and zeros.

Offline Numsgil

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« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2010, 05:40:53 PM »
For the graphics in DB3, if Bots or anyone is feeling particularly adventurous, I think I can spend a few days and write out a better architecture for Graphics.  I have a much better idea of what I want to do from working with animation at work.  I played around with it a bit on paper this afternoon (looked at some flash animation to get some ideas about what should be possible), and have a pretty rough idea of how it should work.  It's not technically difficult once you have a plan in hand, just a lot of leg work getting the code to actually do that.

Of course we don't need to actually write the animation system now, but it should make life easier if the system is set up in that direction.  Like right now, it'd just take position and orientation information from physics, but we can interface it so that it's like physics is actually an animation source.  And then in the future it would be possible to blend animation sources together.  So maybe something like a flagella (purely cosmetic, but it would look pretty cool) out the butt of bots that wiggles when the bot is trying to move forwards, and also interacts against stuff in the world (so it doesn't penetrate into other bots, for instance).

I might also rename it from 'Graphics' (which is a bit generic) to something more in keeping with the naming scheme of the other modules and less likely to cause namespace conflicts.  'Zoetrope' is my current favorite (still open to suggestions, though).

Offline Botsareus

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« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2010, 03:12:16 PM »
No,no, don't restart anything. I just want to see something visual actually work.  :P

As I wrote earlier, I'll like to see something solid work. Then we may add-on and work everything together later.  8)

Offline Numsgil

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« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2010, 04:26:17 PM »
You should be able to run the TestBad app and see some squares drawing, and be able to navigate the camera around with the mouse similarly to DB2.

I'm sort of fired up, so I'm going to play around a bit in graphics, but I'll probably work mostly with the XNA shaders (I have some ideas about how to anti-aliasing working through the shaders that's an interesting math-type problem).