Author Topic: MMMMMMM, human soup!!!  (Read 7722 times)

Offline happyhamsterchan

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MMMMMMM, human soup!!!
« on: May 06, 2010, 07:42:17 PM »
OK, looking at evolved DB code, why doesn't our DNA look like that? Why don't our innards look like green slime with bits of duct-tape and uranium floating around? If the real world was like DB, evolution should have made us to have some REALLY weird innards... yet everything is so nice and tidy, the digestive system is here, the brain is here... why?




Offline Numsgil

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MMMMMMM, human soup!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2010, 08:06:58 PM »
Evolved actual DNA does look like that, actually.  Actual DNA, if we treat it like a computer program, is filled with spaghetti code and global variables.

As far as why our innards are so clearly organized, that's one of the fundamental questions of evolution, isn't it?  The answer is: one step at a time.  Evolution of the eye is like that.

Offline Houshalter

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MMMMMMM, human soup!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2010, 09:57:04 PM »
What numsgil said. Plus, the dna is very very cluttered and disorganized, like evolved DB code. But when the genes are expressed, everything comes together. Also, to any creationists out there, even humans are extremely inefficient and chaotic in design. It just so happens that any "quick fix" or minor improvement that could have been made in our DNA to improve our efficiency has already been made. Its become almost impossible for any mutation to create improvement, and thats why it slows down. Its like trying to build a bridge over a massive valley by tossing twigs and hoping for them to come together.

Offline happyhamsterchan

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MMMMMMM, human soup!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2010, 10:58:55 PM »
don't worry, I'm no creationist (I doubt many people who use DB are... ) but that's always bothered me. So, like numsgil said, there's no real solution to that question so far... Maybe one day our evolved bots will actually be organized, perhaps when we get DB3 organised...

