Author Topic: Red queen  (Read 5759 times)

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Red queen
« on: July 27, 2009, 03:01:25 PM »

Back to work so no time to finish this bot. This bot is intended as a veggie, virus immune and non mutating bot. The idea is that its code will adapt itself to increasingly efficient evolutions of its counterpart, and thereby further the evolution to more complex behaviour. It is basically a modified version of my combat bot, Gimmick.
It works. With different versions of predecessors to this latest bot I have seen nice mutations. For instance I have seen gimmick evolve its conspec to distinguish between agressive and passive veggies
It is not stable. It usually only runs a couple of hours before one species wipes out the other.
What you program in red queen ( & set in the sim) is what you get. If (d)evolution of the red queen is triggered by the number of opposing bots in a energy capped environment the killer mutation is to grow a few big bots. The criteria for evolution in red queen have changed, but I havent yet assessed the consequences.

For the code: the two main parameters to track for the red queen logic are RQ and NOC. NOC gives the state of red queen: in rest, active or disabled (floating food basically). RQ is the other. Increasing RQ value reduces the number of queens in the rest or disabled state. It also increases its agility
As always, comments are more than welcome
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 01:03:37 PM by Botsareus »

Offline Ta-183

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Red queen
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2009, 03:13:43 PM »
So all I do is just run this by itself, no other veggies or other bots? Sounds rather interesting. Also, It's nice to see a bot under development that ISN'T mine. Development of SF2.2, by the way, has pretty much stalled to nothing. I'm thinking of just optimizing 2.1 a bit more and adding in eyebots system. Not as involved or integrated as I would prefer, but I'm interested to see how it performs. I also tacked out a fairly effective anti-virus method yesterday in my spare time. The bot was dismal, but the antivirus worked like a charm.

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Red queen
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2009, 04:16:24 PM »
No, you use it as veggie in an evo sim. It intends to create an increaingly efficient prey/adversary for the bot you are evolving

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Red queen
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 02:02:48 PM »
Just to upload the red queen evo sim I.m currently running

Offline Ta-183

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Red queen
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2009, 05:05:42 PM »
I ran it in an Evo sim with SF2.1, and after around 400,000+ cycles it wouldn't eat regular veggies anymore. It's conspec was totally screwed up for eating/fighting. I think the problem stems from the fact that it already differentiates between food (alga minimalis, which is what I designed it for) and foe. It always recognizes Red Queens as foes, so little SF's run away from it. I might have to patch a Red Queen compatible version that recognizes resting an inactive ones. But I still think it might be a bit fragile, as it will also get in the way of standard conspec. It always seemed to hover around 2934 SF's for the entire sim, interestingly.

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Red queen
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2009, 12:33:08 AM »
If I understand you correct you have both minimalis and Red queen in your sim? I used only RQ. Since gimmick used dnalength for conspec I modded that part of the code eveything not equal to RQ dna length is friend, to allow for insertions / deletions.

Offline Ta-183

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Red queen
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2009, 11:56:50 AM »
No, I only ran RQ. But I had hoped it would still go after AM, because I wanted to pit the vanilla version against the evo version. Sadly, stock SF2.1 beat it by default. SF-Evo couldn't find any food, and promptly died.

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Red queen
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2009, 01:22:44 PM »
I pitted the original and the evolved version agaist each other as well. the outcome depended on the type of veggie: alga minimalis resulted in a 15:35 in favour of the original. When I used RQ as the veggie the ratio shifted to 49:1 in favour of the evolved version. In a competition with RQ as veggie the victory goes to the last one eaten and the evolved version was better in knowing when to keep out of reach. Amongst others by a "broken"'eye system, less capable of tracking moving(=agressive) targets