

It is imperitive
5 (11.6%)
Pretty important
7 (16.3%)
A nice addition
6 (14%)
Doesn't matter
4 (9.3%)
Not even a good idea
0 (0%)
Why would anyone want that?
0 (0%)
Other (please elaborate)
0 (0%)
Should be able to evolve into animals somehow, at a certain point.
14 (32.6%)
Should have restricted DNA.
2 (4.7%)
Other(s) (Please elaborate)
5 (11.6%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: DB3 Questions  (Read 22427 times)

Offline bacillus

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DB3 Questions
« Reply #75 on: March 22, 2010, 12:11:24 AM »
Electrical impulses would be the next logical step up from chemical gradients, but I'll settle for just the switchable ties, eh?


In other words, now for the ramble to get some more ideas into circulation:

-About species forking, I don't think too much time should be spent developing a system to handle this. The definition of species is pretty patchy and subjective anyway.

-Mutations can't really be improved, but I would suggest something a little more radical - a type of mutation that would fragment a piece of the DNA and eject it as a virus. This mutation should be extremely uncommon, as it could have a significantly larger effect on an environment.

-Regarding viruses, is it possible to have them accumulate inside a bot until fired or the bot dies? This would be a little more realistic and would make them that much more interesting.

-This is mostly just a detail, but I'm bursting with ideas that will be lost in a few seconds (I had one a second ago that was awesome, but I already forgot)-can enough pressure in the right spot destroy ties? The only real application would be for 'chewing' bits off your prey.

-I heard talk about this before, but I may as well bring it up again-is it possible to have shots that do not directly siphon energy, but rather weaken the cell wall, eventually spilling out the contents of the cell? If so, this shot should probably replace the body shot. This could, in turn, lead to all sorts of different paths. For example, the shots could be modified to either damage the wall immediately, erode it over time, gnaw away on any shells or prevent it from healing, to name a few. Cell walls could be reinforced or protected with a shell; larger bots would have a weaker shell, and more shell would allow less cell growth.

-For senses such as touch, another way of detecting such things is instead of detecting the angle, the cell uses areas (north, west etc.) to determine roughly where it came from, which would encourage MB behavior without making it impossible for bacteria to use these features, and compensate by measuring the magnitude of impact as well?

Sorry about the rambly post, I hope you got at least one useful idea out of it  
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 12:37:08 AM by bacillus »
"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
- Carl Sagan

Offline Houshalter

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DB3 Questions
« Reply #76 on: March 22, 2010, 09:36:46 AM »
Speaking of mutations, there should be a mutation to copy an entire gene or series of genes or even just a condition or action statement within a gene. This is more realistic to how real mutations work and with DB3s codules it could have interesting effects. Speaking of codules, Im not sure how they work, but shouldn't there be a whole new mutation just devoted to them?

Offline peterb

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DB3 Questions
« Reply #77 on: March 29, 2010, 10:29:16 AM »
vegies should get energy maybe based on light spots.
so whitin the range of the spots there is more light so you get green and les green areas.

nice would be an easy polunation from seed to plant, beeing for x cycles moveable with a speed y in direction z  (i make plants like that, now with code)