Doable? Most likely, yes. Easy? No. The main problem that's been discussed quite a bit is that each bot can only read one tie at a time. If all the info came from the head, it would be easier, then you could use one of the tin/tout channels to specify the cell/tentacle addressed.
What you can do, is have all info coming from the head. Each order would start with a single number being sent out, designating a body part. The second number would tell all the cells how many values following this one to either ignore if not for them, or follow if they are part of the selected part. The head would simply send these numbers out through it's ties, to basically all cells. The bots would simply forward these numbers. To avoid confusion and overflow, every order type would occupy a specific integer 'spectrum', so no two numbers in an order sequence would be the same. For example, an order sequence telling an arm to move to coordinates would look like this;
4 (part number)
3 (ignore this many if not part designated)
13 (move to)
10358 (x-coord, located in spectrum 10000-20000. Spectrum number is subtracted to obtain true coord)
20113 (y-coord, occupies spectrum 20000-30000)
99999 (used to finalize the orders and make sure all bots are synchronized)
After the last 3 numbers (excluding 99999) are sent through the tie and received by all bots, they once again begin listening for major orders. Of course, passive info (such as precise moving coordination and resource management) are handled by each bot internally, such as aiming/firing, looking, and conspec control.