Author Topic: WormII  (Read 5776 times)

Offline peterb

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« on: November 27, 2008, 12:05:18 PM »
wel this one can grow long, it has no head construction still it will move around this multi bot. (like a fishnet sometimes)
Each body part can eat, that will result in shell and posion and reproduction.
Note that if a body part has enough food /body size it will pass on from itself to one of the next bot.
Until the energy gets into the last bot. It has a lot of genes I know.
I can write single gene bots, but this one is just a bit to large
Doesnt use any false trick viruses tie feeding or so.

It'l require a large sim (this doesnt slow down DB) size 10 or size 5
set friction to thin fluid, and I have movement set to biological (otther setting might work too)
I disable mutation for it (dough you might try it differently)

Eventualy it becomes quite poiseness and strong.
The plus is that all parts eats (and also all scan around for food ; eye5dir and aimshoot )

as a single bot it wil fly forward and can grow large and strong eventualy

When it is split somewhere, then the new endings would become new reproduction parts.

I add two bots eventualy wormII.txt  will defeat the other stronger bot (abnew3).

oh any ideas to get the .tie length shorter would be nice.

Offline peterb

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« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 04:33:47 PM »
intrestingly a new shape evolved, I had huge sim with only a few vegies, the other killer bot, and a new worm started to spread how seamed to be better dealing the environment. it allowed new shape tree like structures, like branches.
First I tought of it as an error, but well this is what Evolution is about I gues. I'll post the code

While I wonder what to think of a cond like

 *.eye5 50 !%=

how would darwinbots deal such condition ??

Offline Ta-183

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« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2008, 07:35:12 PM »
Sorry to disappoint, but your 'evolved' version simply caught cancer.

Offline bacillus

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« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2008, 12:23:44 AM »
I see you still suffer from the ol' bicerebral disorder when making worms?
 WORMII got beaten while still in the 'hopeless' portion of the MB league.   . The other, strictly speaking, isn't a multibot.
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Offline peterb

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« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2008, 06:13:52 AM »
Quote from: bacillus
I see you still suffer from the ol' bicerebral disorder when making worms?
 WORMII got beaten while still in the 'hopeless' portion of the MB league.   . The other, strictly speaking, isn't a multibot.

oh it was a first attempt;
- a bot with tie using to give food to its other parts
- a movement system that doesnt use head type bot
- both ends reproducing
- they all look around for food
- And as kind of chainsaw the worm moves in the direction where it eats. (so it will put other parts over it and move on)
- non viral (dont like them)
- and it was made for large field sizes size 10 or larger (otherwise fliping from left to right or up and down breaks it)

in single bot (seeding) mode, it could be easily improved (I could put into it one of my 1G bots code)

The other bot wasnt a multibot I just found it an intresting battle between them.

anyway against wat bots did you test it ?
So I might improve this one.

Offline bacillus

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« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2008, 12:28:46 PM »
I put it into the MB league, results are already updated in the Bot Tavern.
I'll post all the bots in a zip there as well, kinda forgot to do that.
 Don't worry, I know how hard it is to coordinate multibots. There's always something not working properly, but nothing in the DNA seems to be causing ti. In the end, you learn to 'stick' with a basic model that works with basically every multibot.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 12:30:34 PM by bacillus »
"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
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Offline Ta-183

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« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2008, 12:37:36 PM »
Hmm... That gives me an idea for a coordination system.... What you could do, is assign a value to each body part (like a tentacle) and use the head to assign it a movement vector. That vector is in the form of coordinates. Now based on the length of said tentacle, each cell in the arm (which would also be kept track of) would have it's own destination, which is derived to be a point in line with the target coordinates a certain distance away from the target, based on the length of the arm, and what position a particular cell is in in said arm. Simply give the first arm part a coordinate, and it will pass the coordinate down the line to each tentacle cell, and their internal DNA would derive each cells true destination.

Offline bacillus

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« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2008, 05:37:57 PM »
Doable? Most likely, yes. Easy? No. The main problem that's been discussed quite a bit is that each bot can only read one tie at a time. If all the info came from the head, it would be easier, then you could use one of the tin/tout channels to specify the cell/tentacle addressed.
"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
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Offline Ta-183

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« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2008, 08:14:29 PM »
Quote from: bacillus
Doable? Most likely, yes. Easy? No. The main problem that's been discussed quite a bit is that each bot can only read one tie at a time. If all the info came from the head, it would be easier, then you could use one of the tin/tout channels to specify the cell/tentacle addressed.
What you can do, is have all info coming from the head. Each order would start with a single number being sent out, designating a body part. The second number would tell all the cells how many values following this one to either ignore if not for them, or follow if they are part of the selected part. The head would simply send these numbers out through it's ties, to basically all cells. The bots would simply forward these numbers. To avoid confusion and overflow, every order type would occupy a specific integer 'spectrum', so no two numbers in an order sequence would be the same. For example, an order sequence telling an arm to move to coordinates would look like this;

 4 (part number)
 3 (ignore this many if not part designated)
 13 (move to)
 10358 (x-coord, located in spectrum 10000-20000. Spectrum number is subtracted to obtain true coord)
 20113 (y-coord, occupies spectrum 20000-30000)
 99999 (used to finalize the orders and make sure all bots are synchronized)

After the last 3 numbers (excluding 99999) are sent through the tie and received by all bots, they once again begin listening for major orders. Of course, passive info (such as precise moving coordination and resource management) are handled by each bot internally, such as aiming/firing, looking, and conspec control.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 08:15:54 PM by Ta-183 »

Offline bacillus

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« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2008, 03:50:46 AM »
Or you use one channel for each tentacle, scale the data to a certain factor (It won't make much difference), then 'cut' the data into blocks, addressing each cell with a different block.
Eg with 5 cells, 5000-10000 in tout3 will address the eighth cell in tentacle 3, if the range is -30000 to 30000.
"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
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Offline Ta-183

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« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2008, 03:56:19 PM »
I like it. Even better (albeit more complex) the head could make use of different 'cortexes'. One for handling movement, one for handling resources, one for targeting....

Before any of that gets done, it might be in the best interests of the programmer to create a DNA suite, like Pybot, only with a higher-level language, or even to go so far as a GUI-based programming system, a-la Lego Mindstorms. Any way you slice it, the code for such a bot will be likely twice as long as Guardian, easy.

Offline bacillus

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« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2008, 04:28:43 PM »
Surprisingly not. This code is just a big bunch of variables, not a wide variety of functions (we are limited to 10 I/Os, so either not a lot of tentacles or very few functions). The ones that take up a lot of time are the ones that have ten different conspecs, with all sorts of poison, sneaky attacks/evasions and built-in calculator, GPS and swiss army knife...
"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
- Carl Sagan