General > Formula 2

Formula 2 rules

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But the problem with the automated rules is that you can force other bots to break those rules. You could make a disqualifier bot that simply wins by making it's opponent break a rule, it wouldn't even need to fight.
So if you have an auto detect on broken rules, you need to make sure you also disallow any actions that could be used to make your opponent break that rule.

I did actually think about one way to put this together.
If you say tie feeding, leeching and counter leeching is illegal, then you could also include that oponents are not allowed to fire a memory/venom shot either aimed at .tieloc of with the value of .tieloc in it, and the same would go for ties, you can not manipulate .tieloc and you can not apply the value of .tieloc.
This should prevent anyone from forcing others to break the tie leeching rules.

mhm. It would...
offtopic: Oh moon, would you mind going to the starting gate and having a look at the code for all eyes 1.5, I don't know whats expensive in it...Its a supreme bot without costs applied...but almost instantly dies with costs...
(the same for all swarm actually.)


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