Author Topic: Conspec Challenge  (Read 20432 times)

Offline spike43884

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Re: Conspec Challenge
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2015, 05:29:10 AM »
There are no rules, as long as you can eat the alge.
Using other refvars can be interesting, like always aiming in the same direction and using .refaim, or always traveling at a certain speed...
But it's an extra bonus if the conspec can be put into any bot.
The point is actualy to see some new ways of building a conspec.

So far there are some "plug n play" conspecs this doesn't beat.
Endy uses .thisgene as it's .memloc value and has it's conpec as the last gene.
Since thisgene is a sysvar that gets updated each cycle.
Not sure if it's fooled for one cycle when the key is first entered though, that would still let it be fooled every 2 cycles while the target is looking at it...
I guess you could save the observed keys and push them into their memmory locations every cycle, but that would be more complex.
And I'm not sure you can overide any sysvar, you could have a bot that randomly checks, .thisgene/.genes/.dnalen/.totalmyspecies or something like that.
(The bots with Endy's conspec don't seem to be fooled though, so I'm guessing maybe .thisgene is also updated after the last gene)

But the new Slim evo has an even better way. Just pushes a value into out4 and if in4 is the same it's an enemy... so easy but very effective. (I can't think of a way to fool that)

Actually. .thisgene is quite clever for conspec, because if a bot gets mutated to the extent it gains new genes...or loses some.
It'd be able to kill off the mutated one, or the mutated one kill off the others
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