Author Topic: Multibot Method  (Read 3254 times)

Offline gymsum

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Multibot Method
« on: May 13, 2008, 10:49:18 PM »
I've been toying around with different designs based on geometric formulas, and I found one that seems to mimic multibot-division IRL. I almost see how this could be used for the development of the graphics for DB3. But as far as complexity goes its fairly simply, 2^(n)-(1/2^(n)) and this is the result in 2d space and 3d space;

If the bots preserved coordiantes and ties relative to this formula, a bot could effectively construct something with defensive and agressive benefits. The design is square, so there is some order to the eye system when tied, and feeding and information will be crutial; so it may require less costs than F1 conditions, there is not even types of energy in the current version for a complex multibot to last long. This system gives structure, a counting mechanism for activations of stage-specific genes, such as reproduction and things like muscle contraction, memory/communication use, things like that. Also makes it very easy to determine where to send the information so that the right part of the bot recieves the information.

What do you guys think?

Note: the set to prove this used infinity, limits can be programed in to avoid crashing.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 10:50:31 PM by gymsum »