Author Topic: A multibot now owns IM  (Read 12316 times)

Offline EricL

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A multibot now owns IM
« on: April 22, 2008, 01:32:10 AM »
Two hours after being introduced, Seasnake 1.0 has wiped out all other hetertrophs in IM.  My sims are running a pre-release version of 2.43.1j, which has a ton of MB related fixes, so SeaSnake may not work well in your sim if you connect a prior version, but it's pretty cool to see a multi-cellular organism, often made up of 50 cells or more, own IM...

2.43.1j out Tuesday hopefully...
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Offline fulizer

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2008, 08:50:18 AM »
I saw the pictures of that.
let me put this straight.
its AWESOME!!!! I love mb with that many pieces I love (but cannot use) im so id like to hear more about how it does later.
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Offline The_Duck

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 04:04:09 AM »
Quote from: EricL
Two hours after being introduced, Seasnake 1.0 has wiped out all other hetertrophs in IM.  My sims are running a pre-release version of 2.43.1j, which has a ton of MB related fixes, so SeaSnake may not work well in your sim if you connect a prior version, but it's pretty cool to see a multi-cellular organism, often made up of 50 cells or more, own IM...

2.43.1j out Tuesday hopefully...

I started up an IM sim and got a Seasnake from you; it's very nice. I may try to create a competitor multibot.

Offline Endy

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2008, 05:58:39 AM »
I think I starved it to death...  

Was cool to see it mow down the others.

Offline fulizer

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2008, 08:52:43 AM »
darn I stil wish I had the internet on my computer.
who knows how much 30m of that internet cable stuff costs?
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Offline Testlund

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2008, 11:23:55 AM »
Quote from: EricL
Two hours after being introduced, Seasnake 1.0 has wiped out all other hetertrophs in IM.  My sims are running a pre-release version of 2.43.1j, which has a ton of MB related fixes, so SeaSnake may not work well in your sim if you connect a prior version, but it's pretty cool to see a multi-cellular organism, often made up of 50 cells or more, own IM...

2.43.1j out Tuesday hopefully...

Fascinating! I'll give Shvarz's evosim another try tonight too see if I'll be getting the Seasnake.  Just downloaded your latest drop too.  
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Offline shvarz

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2008, 12:47:59 PM »
Seasnake came into my sim just now!  It's a formidable opponent, and a single Duplo does not stand a chance. But the strings of Duplo that I mentioned before are doing pretty well against it. Giant snake vs column of ants - it's pretty cool to see the two monsters battle

P.S: Aww, the snake just lost, Duplo has an enormous advantage in numbers and the snake is not designed to pay the heavy price for body maintenance that I charge in my sim.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 12:52:01 PM by shvarz »
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Offline EricL

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2008, 01:16:21 PM »
Cool.  I mostly wrote it as a multibot test case, so it has a litle of everything.  I haven't tuned it for effeciency or specific compeitors or anything and it probably has a bunch of bugs still.

What's been very illustrative are the natural advantages multibots have.  I should do a sepearate post on this but they include things like the following:

1) Pain gets spread across multiple cells.  A multibot can take a lot of shots, more than woudl kill any one cell, since compititors end up targeting different cells over time as the multibot moves instead of concentrating a single cell.

2) A given cell can lean on the shoulders of it's neighbors when attacked through nrg sharing, boilstering it's reserves.  This makes it really hard to take down a single cell.  A compititor has to have enough nrg and ammo to take down the entire organism.  Very hard for a single bot of any size to do alone.

3) Shared targetting.  Info gets passed down the line.  Cells can fire before they see prey.

4) Firepower is concentrated.  When multple cells fire at once, a competitor can be struck with a ton of shots in a single cycle, drawing down such things as shell faster than a competitor can replenish it.  Killing competitors through shock also becomes must more feasible.   I.e. getting hit 10 times in a single cycle is a lot worse than getting hit once per cycle over the course of 10 cycles.

5) Finding or happenign upon prey is easier.  A lot more eyes, each sharing info with the resot of the organism results in much more effeciency in locating food.

6) Torridal sim teleportation lets you surprise prey.  The way it works, soem cells of a multi bot can get rematerialized well in from the sim sides, jumping suddeningly into proximity with bots that might otherwise had seen it coming and fled.

7) Higher probability of hitting the teleporter.

8) Teleportation with a whole army of cells all at once.

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Offline asterixx

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2008, 09:48:02 PM »
Has a cell-membrane/internal cell relationship ever been created? Like a single important bot that gets protected by a circle of expendable bots?
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Offline Numsgil

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2008, 10:21:30 PM »
Nothing with that much structure.  Before sea snake, I'd call Helios the most successful MB.  It would form a group of four cells that all were back to back, and raped most of F1 at one point.  It's sort of broken now, though.  Hopefully we'll start to see some highly structured MBs.

Offline fulizer

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2008, 08:41:51 AM »
im thinking of making a mb
as soon as I learn how to use ties.
meanwhile ill wait for 4:00 when ill be home and watching this seasnake
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Offline fulizer

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2008, 08:49:30 AM »
loaded it up against my unfinished hunterbot
it won but very slowly took even longer than it took the bot it was against to wip out I flamma (I did say it was unfinished)
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Offline gymsum

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2008, 02:31:30 PM »
Actually, external internal mbs do exsist, but the diference in function is simple. Take a look at my slim evo, it collects veggies and puts them in front of enemies as a peace offering, if its overfed the bot has more reserves to go kill it. Once a swarm or colony is established, more bots are sent to the outside to keep the veggies internally, creating several layers of energy, combatants and managers. The external bots tend to make scouts while the internal bots tend to focus mroe on energy adnm waste management. I think it sort of works in the maner of external defenses, usualy the internal bots are programed ot leave before the external ones,  but only when food runs low for the internal bots. Very unique behaviors I think, and should be counted as a complex mb.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2008, 02:33:19 PM by gymsum »

Offline EricL

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2008, 02:56:26 PM »
The term "multibot" is not subjective.  It has a specific, technical meaning.  It means the .multi sysvar is non-zero and the only way that happens is if the bot has one or more hardened ties.   Certain sysvars don't work for example (such as sharing) unless the bot is a multibot.  The simulator changes lots of things under the covers for multibots - things like shot power and costs.

So, while there are no doubt plenty of interesting and exciting multi-cellular bots to be made without hardened ties, none of them are technically multibots unless they have hardened ties adn the .multi sysvar is non zero.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2008, 02:57:04 PM by EricL »
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Offline gymsum

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A multibot now owns IM
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2008, 03:34:36 PM »
Quote from: EricL
The term "multibot" is not subjective.  It has a specific, technical meaning.  It means the .multi sysvar is non-zero and the only way that happens is if the bot has one or more hardened ties.   Certain sysvars don't work for example (such as sharing) unless the bot is a multibot.  The simulator changes lots of things under the covers for multibots - things like shot power and costs.

So, while there are no doubt plenty of interesting and exciting multi-cellular bots to be made without hardened ties, none of them are technically multibots unless they have hardened ties adn the .multi sysvar is non zero.

I found the mistake with all my slim evos... lol thanks ericl.