Bots and Simulations > Internet Mode Commentary

A multibot now owns IM

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im thinking of making a mb
as soon as I learn how to use ties.
meanwhile ill wait for 4:00 when ill be home and watching this seasnake

loaded it up against my unfinished hunterbot
it won but very slowly took even longer than it took the bot it was against to wip out I flamma (I did say it was unfinished)

Actually, external internal mbs do exsist, but the diference in function is simple. Take a look at my slim evo, it collects veggies and puts them in front of enemies as a peace offering, if its overfed the bot has more reserves to go kill it. Once a swarm or colony is established, more bots are sent to the outside to keep the veggies internally, creating several layers of energy, combatants and managers. The external bots tend to make scouts while the internal bots tend to focus mroe on energy adnm waste management. I think it sort of works in the maner of external defenses, usualy the internal bots are programed ot leave before the external ones,  but only when food runs low for the internal bots. Very unique behaviors I think, and should be counted as a complex mb.

The term "multibot" is not subjective.  It has a specific, technical meaning.  It means the .multi sysvar is non-zero and the only way that happens is if the bot has one or more hardened ties.   Certain sysvars don't work for example (such as sharing) unless the bot is a multibot.  The simulator changes lots of things under the covers for multibots - things like shot power and costs.

So, while there are no doubt plenty of interesting and exciting multi-cellular bots to be made without hardened ties, none of them are technically multibots unless they have hardened ties adn the .multi sysvar is non zero.


--- Quote from: EricL ---The term "multibot" is not subjective.  It has a specific, technical meaning.  It means the .multi sysvar is non-zero and the only way that happens is if the bot has one or more hardened ties.   Certain sysvars don't work for example (such as sharing) unless the bot is a multibot.  The simulator changes lots of things under the covers for multibots - things like shot power and costs.

So, while there are no doubt plenty of interesting and exciting multi-cellular bots to be made without hardened ties, none of them are technically multibots unless they have hardened ties adn the .multi sysvar is non zero.
--- End quote ---

I found the mistake with all my slim evos... lol thanks ericl.


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