Author Topic: Pacifist (5G) (Moonfisher) 19-02-08  (Read 8051 times)

Offline Commander Keen

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Pacifist (5G) (Moonfisher) 19-02-08
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2008, 10:22:36 PM »
Well, I just tried it versus guardian, it took too long to go to the finish but I'd have to say my bet is on Pacifist winning. Guardian was going down slowly, and Pacifist was well over 100. This was with mutations disabled, F1 conditions.

This bot is the most evil I have ever seen. I can't think of any way a bot could beat it in a 1 on 1 fight other than doing what pacifist does only better.

Offline Moonfisher

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Pacifist (5G) (Moonfisher) 19-02-08
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2008, 04:32:10 AM »
Heh I realy sucked at answering that question
I ran the bot again against Guardian, Ebola, Multiply 4 and Excalibur. None of them seemed to to stand a chance.
And theres room for a lot of improvement in the strategy, this is a minimalistic version.
Ofcourse the disadvantage of having realy small bots with low energy is that they can't realy shoot and you can kill them with one shot.
The advantage is that getting that one hit can be hard and virus defense isn't realy an issue, I mean they're realy small and it starts out at 160 and climbs from there so if a few of them get killed by viruses it doesn't matter.
This also makes venom and poison defense less important.
Generaly anything you do to it is less important because you need to do it to all 160 of them...
So the real key to improving the strat would be to gain faster and better controll over the alge.

I'm already working on another bot that uses a lot of the same ideas from pacifist, but with a new concept buildt from scratch, and far more agressive, and no virus.
At this point it beats F1 and all that, but I can't make it beat Pacifist without using viruses (Except for one time where it got lucky).... but I'm working on it.

Offline bacillus

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Pacifist (5G) (Moonfisher) 19-02-08
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2008, 07:24:31 PM »
I ran it against Occura Amplificis a couple of times; Pacifist was supressed to about 5 individuals almost every time, while Occura Amplificis spiked. Shortly after, it would drop critically. An interesting fight to watch, mostly a matter of luck who gets crushed first.
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