Author Topic: Why do otherwise bright people beleive stupid things?  (Read 23110 times)

Offline fulizer

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Why do otherwise bright people beleive stupid things?
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2008, 10:02:07 AM »
Quote from: abyaly
- Therefore the sun will rise on saturday.
aoparently not in some places on this places a night can last weeks
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Offline MysticalDumpling

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Re: Why do otherwise bright people beleive stupid things?
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2014, 02:58:41 PM »
Apparently, this is about religion. Being a Roman Catholic, I would like to make a few points:

1- I am "religious" because 89% of the population has the same religion as me
2- I do not believe in 90% of what the Bible says
3- We do not place anything in our religion above science (mostly)

Also, religion brings some comfort. Who cares if it is wrong? It creates a sense of community, nationalism, is an excellent instrument to teach morals; it seems to work better than saying this is good, that is bad, ect. It also creates a far superior mode of dispensing aid to the poor- if communism taught us anything: the less the government interferes (not less gov't, period), the better off the majority is. Socialist concepts in my country has proved that communism does make equality- everyone is poor, everyone is starving, and everyone is treated like sh*t, instead of some poor people, a lot of ok people, and a sprinkling of rich people. Trust me- I lived through communism. I lost members of my family to it.

Edit- flipped number
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 06:39:22 AM by MysticalDumpling »
To być albo nie być, oto jest ze pytanie

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Re: Why do otherwise bright people beleive stupid things?
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2014, 05:03:02 PM »
What country is that?
Oh my god, who the hell cares.

Offline MysticalDumpling

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Re: Why do otherwise bright people beleive stupid things?
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2014, 06:18:00 AM »
To być albo nie być, oto jest ze pytanie

Offline spike43884

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Re: Why do otherwise bright people beleive stupid things?
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2014, 07:23:40 AM »
I personally do not believe in any religion, but let me put forward a notion of neutrality to you. A belief cannot be solidly proven, nor can it be disproven solidly, hence why it is called a belief, because people simply believe in it, but do not know it. Theorys and science and religion are much the same thing, a solution to a given problem in the known universe, their creators solidly believe (in most cases) their findings, and have evidence which to them seems legitimate. Sometimes they are truely proven, sometimes not proven. the THEORY of EVOLUTION is not proven yet, its a belief, a widely believed belief but no more true than god creating the universe and all planets revolving around us.
in 2000 years time, we may have all been completely wrong...Vikings discovered (actually a good while before columbus) America, they believed it had 2 great wide (like sea-width wide) gaps in it splitting it into north, central and south, then south america was connected via land to the bottom of Africa. That might sound like a ridiculous notation today, and one of the most silly beliefs ever, but back then it was groundbreaking science.

The only truely accurate thing in all of the world is one notation put forward by many poets (and one of the few things poetry got right)..."Reality is in the eye of the beholder"
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.

Offline spike43884

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Re: Why do otherwise bright people beleive stupid things?
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2014, 07:34:49 AM »
I believe in having an open mind and not being stuck to one belief nomatter what. When it comes to religion most people are totally atheists or they totally believes the bible and never questions there own beliefs. I have been a non beleiver in the supernatural most of my life because I haven't encountered any evidence of it and I have never experienced any such thing myself.
But a relative to me was visiting a medium last year and was told stuff that the medium couldn't possibly guess. The session was recorded on tape and I listened to it.
Under the session the medium said he was visited by passed away relatives to our family and those spirits talked to him under the session, explaining things that only we could know. Some spirit even told my relative (through the medium) what she had been doing before she went to the session.
Even my relative's dog that had to be put to sleep because it had grown too old and weak showed up under the session, saying she shouldn't feel any regrets for  that, and also told who used to feed it in the family and taking it for a walk.
The medium said the dog couldn't talk to him directly but his thoughts were translated to him from another spirit.
I'm just asking how is this possible? My relative didn't told him any thing. She hardly said a word through the whole session.
I've seen similar programs on TV but I've thought maybe it was all made up and all the people had been told what to say.
Also I've found some very interesting information about what the spirit world is through some readings which is quite interesting.
The bible though is mostly crap made up by people, and religion is mostly used for controlling and suppressing people. So I am against religious societies because they missinterpret what Muhammed and Jesus tried to preach.
I sound like a religious myself now but I'm not. I just think there might very well be a spirit world.
If you can believe in the 4th dimension and Einsteins relativity theory you can as well belive in a spirit world.
I think the concept of time as the forth dimension is something we've made up. What is time but memories and thoughts we have about the future.
I don't belive there is a past or future. It's only the present and movement of events.
We think about time as some movie playing by in a linear way.
I don't understand how you could possibly travel back in time if you move faster than light? Where would you move? Somewhere far out in space to see if the pictures of the earth will catch up??

When it comes to horoscope, don't read the weekly ones in papers. That's not astrology. Do a thorough one where all the position of the planets are counted in. I don't know about anyone who've done it where the information wasn't true about that person.
I know it is scaringly accurate for me!

Ok, the bible is mostly lies, though there is 1, and only 1 substantially true story in it, and that is in the old testiment The Great Flood though, the only incorrect parts are, it wasn't 1 flood, it was thousands in arabia covering all the middle east, and it wasn't a classic boat carrying every animal, it was a huge traditional iranian boat that is circular, and in this case, housed the livestock of a farmer and some of his neighbours, it was however a huge boat...simply a effort to survive.

For supernatural events see: KATHERINE MILLS MIND GAMES (tv series)
Reason I specify this 1, its good program & she explains (to reasonable extent) how she does it, a favourite trick of mine she did was at a fete/fairground (she set up though the guests didn't know that), at the end of the fair she selected a lot of people with no relation, and played 1 at a time seperately a game of tic tac toe, all had the same result...wonder why, then she launches a quadcopter, the layout of the fairground/fete was exactly the game of tic tac toe that everyone played, yet nobody had noticed it before, its just the human minds subconcious being suseptable to idea's. And hypnotics, religion and so on is simply pluseblo's and noseblo's, (noslebo being opposite to pluseblo) If you swear and your christian, you feel as if your being told off, and people don't like being told off, they like praise, which is what they get when they do something good then...Thats the simple basis it works off.

Really, both science and religion has made us both a more stupid, and more advanced race...We rely on order in everything, and somehow it is likely theyre some order, but we will just never find it...Its to precise for us to discover. The only science I believe to be right is quantum physics, because everything happens and doesnt, it could only be right eventually.

However, if something is a fitting model for whatever were trying to acheive, I will happily go along with it, it gets the job done...and on these points of communism...
Communism is not (nessisarily) bad, how its implemented is normally. China with its insane policies being a horrible place to live, then to Cuba with the worlds best healthcare system ever.
If Soviet Russia has stayed purely communist, it would have been quite successful, it was the privitising of farms that made it horrific, and the hatred from democracys, though personally im a fan of Timocratic political systems.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 07:42:59 AM by spike43884 »
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.