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New Forum

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Hy Folks. If I could make a few suggestions. Firstly, having so many forums with a relatively small community is counter productive, people rarely check the lesser used forums resulting in unanswered posts. I suggest merging a few of the forums into each other.

What is DarwinBots, DNA Help, Whats This Do could be merged into a Help Forum catch all. The Announcement Forum could be replaced by well administered Sticky topics in the General Forums. Also you need a MB League forum :)

Other than that how are you going to promote this board? The old Website is oooold and hasnt been updated for years. I know it would actually cost money but perhaps a new site is in order? It would definately help get more people interested in DB

Your probably right about merging forums, but have you looked at the icons next to each forum?  They turn blue when there's an unread topic in there.

What I think would be nice is a list of the latest few posts and their posters that's available from the board index.  I'm not sure if we can do that or not though.

Anonomous Guest Person:
Actually, that's already in, Num. <_<
Check the top right. Below Help, Search, especially Members, and of course Calender.
"View New Posts". :P :D

Yeah, but we have to click that button!  Couldn't we just display links to the last 5 posts in the index page?  So much easier.

Like the latest discussion panel in the portal page.

Old Henk:
Ooh.. Shiny!!!

I've been away a few days and when I came back the old board was like a ghosttown...
I got shocked :blink: ,went nuts :wacko: and noticed there was a new board  :huh:

It is very cool and much more proffesional!

BTW: those smilies rock...  :lol:  :D

BTW2: PY, can I somehow get acces to the shortbot-leaugue thread, so I can update it when new bots enter?


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