it would actually be *.refveldx .dx store, refvel always measures relative speed. It's the method used in Animal Minimalis.
That should also handle issues of trying to shoot a shot to go where the bot will be instead of where it currently is. The downside is that you have to actually match their vector. Which means expending energy to alter your course.
If you get in to not wanting to modify your vector, but still fire a shot that will intersect another bot's project path, you get in to a huge mess of crap. The problem is that you'd really need to know the distance to another bot, and the only way to determine that is to decode the values returned from the eyes.
I dont think acurately timed shots based on distanced can be derived in this simulation, because decimals are not supported. In order to properly calculate a four dimensional projected path for the bot, you would have to support floating decimal points and imaginary numbers. The easier method is to just use the distance point formula you learn in geometry. sqr((x2 - x1) ^2 + (y2 - y1)^2), but again this will be unsuported in the new version and won't return acurate results in the current version. One cool thing to do would to simply predict which direction the bot is headed and simply use trigonometry to calculate what angle you must shoot at. I'll work on some proofs for this and let everyone know the simple geometric method which may be better in comparision to the algebraic, since we are mostly dealing with spatial patterns to begin with: I.e. the eye returns being 50 = 2 bots, or pieces of arcs within the bot, its all geometric and have simple relations to any angle associated with them. Simply put,
I believe that a bot only needs to know the spatial distance between the bots, the radius of the bot, the amount of energy that can be expended, the max distance for a shot at that distance (important for stealthy kills), refvel and ones own vel, and the speed of the shots, and refaim. The distances and the speeds would all be relative to the radius of the bot, therefore no true distance need to be calculated, only the number of bots between and the ratio of the bots size to the shots change in distance in one second, something easily calculated by hand and hard coded for ease of use. The amount time necessary would be equal to the number of bots between them divided by the speed of the shot. The amount of energy necessary could come from either the time required, or the number of bots between. The projected future time between would be equal to the following reductions
(#botsbetween / .shotspeed) * (.refxpos .refypos angle ... to be continued I must rest