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Is there a command that would allow the bot to read any incomming shot's value? I was thinking that an identifier could be attached to a shot (-1,-6) in shootval, to identify the species a shot is comming from. I don't normally mess with this area too much so not really sure on the ref's we have here.

Endy B)

I'm not sure.  This would be tricky.  You could use a shot to write to a variable in the target bot's memory that would tell it who you are.

I was thinking that shflav could tell the place to check and then a sort of readback for a readback function would tell the shootval. Not sure of actual difficulty involved... :unsure:

Endy B)

*.shup, *.shdn, *.shdx and *.shsx already return the flavor of a shot.

Reading the species that fired the shot would be easy to program but I'm not sure how much good it would do.

After a few mutations, the species division becomes somewhat blurred but the name remains the same.


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