Author Topic: Peter's zerobot sim  (Read 3826 times)

Offline Peter

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Peter's zerobot sim
« on: December 06, 2007, 05:28:41 PM »
This sim was for me something like an idea for a good starting point for a zerobot sim.

The sim has started with 30 bots from 5 different kind  randombots made with maca's bot-generator.

Each bot had a different point mutation rate.(*100)
This is the order.

Before loading,
The first replicators came from random1 probably becouse of random mutations that most repro-genes are even destroyed just after reproducing.
The second came from random2 witch I have seen and have called them repro1. Probably he came from someone else or anything becouse at something like desame time random2 itself had in the graph a growing pop too.
After loading,
Increasing the costs somewhat to decrease the population and becouse of the harsh competition I'd expected to have left the stronger bots, after a while I see mostly, big bots whitch I expect not to reproduce, then I see somewhere in the middle of the screen a bot reproducing, and it became a new specie random2 7801, I thought it was one lucky one who could reproduce, after a while it became clear the other ones are left too and later I've got three kind of species in the sim, probably all pretty related.
Then random3 begins to reproduce, althrough in small numbers and much slower then the canivorous R2-versions, the reproducing was the way that it survived, the canni-versions trigered the cost-multiplier a few times and becouse of the older and older bots the species random4 and random5 extinced.
Now I've got 4 different species from who one of them has a completely different randombot parent and reproduces slower, thus not every cycle.
In the end  random2 is trigering the cost-multiplyer a few times and by that caused the extinction of repro1, after that there is for the first time one dominating specie. random2 7801 a plit off stands second in population and random3 seems not to be bothered that much by the changing cost-multiplyer, having each time a little growth or little death when it rises or lowers, it is the only specie that keeps reserves for bad times. I am interesed to know how it will turn out.
Oh my god, who the hell cares.

Offline JossiRossi

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Peter's zerobot sim
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 01:28:37 AM »
That's pretty interesting, I'll have to look into how the random bot generator works though it might not be too surprising to see things pop up so fast. Also kind of a nitpick but this isn't a zerobot sim, it's something else entirely. A zerobot uses and essentially blank bot that eventually gains the ability to reproduce, move, shoot, ect. From point mutations and then after reproduction from the other methods as well.

Offline Numsgil

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Peter's zerobot sim
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2007, 01:12:13 PM »
The randombot generated like this is sort of like a zerobot, in that it's DNA is non coding goo.  We sort of decided once upon a time that the two are similar enough that, say, the condition prize would apply to randombots as well as zerobots.  Although for the zerobot purist, it's just not the same.

Offline Peter

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Peter's zerobot sim
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2007, 01:41:58 PM »
Quote from: Numsgil
The randombot generated like this is sort of like a zerobot, in that it's DNA is non coding goo.  We sort of decided once upon a time that the two are similar enough that, say, the condition prize would apply to randombots as well as zerobots.  Although for the zerobot purist, it's just not the same.
Well, I could call it desame, I can some kind of randombot by putting some zerobots inside a sim and put point mutations at maximum.
And the reason I had soon some replicators was a combination between the randombot, high point mutations, and long lenght of the randombot.
As in mutations, the one with 10 mut had fairly soon a repro ability within 30 minutes and the 100mut didn't until after 2 hours.
Oh my god, who the hell cares.

Offline fulizer

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Peter's zerobot sim
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2007, 08:47:20 AM »
all I cn say is that this is a randombot sim rahter than a zerobot but yeah its a good topic.
expect to see me doing this as soon as I can get the new version working
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