Code center > Old Suggestions Awaiting Programming

Bot Connections


We all know that we can use ties now. I think we need some new ways of connect bots. it would give some more ideas and hopefully make it easier for MBs to be created. I have an idea. its birth ties. Birth ties is just like normal ties, but it connect it self to its newborn bot. like:
--- Code: ---cond
1 .btie store
50 .repro store
--- End code ---
.btie is the birth tie command. here will the bot connect a tie instantanasly whit its child. and keep it, it would help alot dont you think?

I'm thinking that what we need is a .permtie that signals that you want the preexisting ties formed at birth to harden instead of disappear when times up.

You'd also need to create a sysvar to hold the number you want associated with the tie.

so basically:

.tienumber .permtie store
50 .repro store

that was basacly the thing I sugjested, if we call it permtie or btie doesnt matter


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