Variable names don't show in the robot inspection window, so just in case you wanna look at what's going on inside a Lionfish racial memory, these are the variables:
971: turnfactor - angle of turning using all eyes.
972: reprothreshold - LF normally reproduces when .mass is over this value, and energy over mymaxenergy.
973: speedlimit - the highest speed it'll attempt to reach.
974: reproshare - the value before .repro.
975: mymaxvenom
976: mymaxpoison
977: mymaxslime
978: mymaxshell
979: mymaxenergy - energy to reproduce, body management attempts to keep energy at that value.
980: myfareyes - how wide will be eye1 and eye9.
981: mybodyfeed - how much will be placed on .tieval when bodyfeeding (negative).
982: myvirusshot - value before .vshoot.
I did a mistake and placed .imasettler outside racial memory, but it will be 983 for the next version. imasettler activates a secondary reproduction gene when .totalmyspecies is lower.