Bots and Simulations > Tips and Tricks

Make New Species menu item

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This new menu item on the robots menu (new in 2.43u) creates a new species starting from the bot with the focus.  Separate series will show up for this bot and all it's decendents in graphs and such and they can be tracked as s separate species both locally and in internet mode.

Unlike the Save DNA feature which allows you to rename a specific bot (but does not change it's species) this menu item creates an actual new species structure for the bot and all it's descendants.  This means that sysvars like .totalmyspecies will work correctly and reflect the population of only this bot and it's descendants.

The name for the new bot is programatcially chosen at present as the first 10 characters of the focus bot's name with a random 4 digit number appended.  Down the road I will likely add species renaming, but for now you are stuck with this name for the new bot.

A handy trick is to simply choose the Best Bot and then choose Make New Species.

A forthcoming feature will allow for automatic speceis forking of a set of related bots, not just a single bot, based upon human settable subspecies distance.


Nice.  Would be nice to set the best bot and all its descendants as the new species


--- Quote from: Numsgil ---Nice.  Would be nice to set the best bot and all its descendants as the new species
--- End quote ---
Agreed.  Crawl, walk, run.

...not necessarily in that order


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