General > Biology

Enzyme explorer


Here is a really cool information source that I found for Metabolic Pathways.

Check this chart out.

Shvarz: Makes your diagram look kinda scrawny but then again I like simplicity.

Num: Let's see you model this lot then!

 :D  PY  :D

:clap: alright let's get started!


I'd absolutely love a system that looked like that.  Hopefully eventually we will.  In the mean time I'm content with some very specific and accurate reaction pathways.

Saying that I know you must think I'm insanse.  But the enzymes were never meant to be understandable from the human standpoint.  The DNA is supposed to be the understandable stuff.

That is awesome!

Yup I quite agree Num.

Just keep the DNA nice 'n simple and do all the complex stuff where nobody can see it.

 :D  PY  :D

if we make that chart possible in DB, im gonna do something which I dont know


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