Author Topic: Challenge #3: Neural Network  (Read 23330 times)

Offline d-EVO

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Challenge #3: Neural Network
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2008, 07:21:03 PM »
Thanks for the post moonfisher.

knew most of this stuff already.
to check out the extent of my knowledge look at my latest bot (BETA-T)
If it sees a friend who is tracking an enemy. he will aim in the exact direction of that enemy. A great teamwork bot.
And an UNFOOLABLE recognition system !!! please tell me what you think

Thanks for the nueral network info.
the reson my bot was so simple was because I didnt know how much you could posibly do wth just refeye and eye5.
1:      2 is true
2:      1 is false

Offline Moonfisher

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Challenge #3: Neural Network
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2008, 01:07:47 PM »
AH ok, so the NN chalenge only allowed eye5 and refeye... didn't notice that, thought you where in doubt about what they did, my bad.

And the conspec you're using is more or less the same as what bacillus proposed in the conspec challenge topic.
Basicaly the only way I know of to fool in/out conspecs is parroting what the other person is saying, so if you reqire one input to be different from what you're saying then you prevent this. In the other input you could have a set key or a relation as the one you're using... both should work.
The only downside is spending 2 stores a cycle on sending the values.
You can also use .dnalen in .memloc and compare *.memval to *.dnalen, but then friends affected by viruses will turn hostile.
Spinner actualy uses only one output, and uses totalmyspecies and some different keys...
But looking at what you're doing then you could actualy put it all into one output and it would be a lot simpler than what spinner is soing :

(Warning, untested code, think it works though)
The output would be :
100 rnd dup 10 add 128 mult | .out10 store

And to check for friends :
*.in10 *.out10 !=
*.in10 127 & *.in10 16256 & 10 sub = and

Basicaly 2 values between 1 and 100 will fit in the space of 32000... so they can be crammed into one output saving a litle energy...

However having a foolproof conspec won't prevent you from looking back and forth between 2 friends... this has nothing to do with the conpec.
You see something in eye8, so you turn and find out it's a friend, but now you see something in eye9 so you turn and see another friend... but now you see the last guy you saw in eye1 so you turn back to find out what it is and find the first friend again, then you see friend nr 2 in eye9 again, asf asf...
Ofcourse if you have a lot of movement this shouldn't be a big problem, but it is definately a flaw you can find in most eye systems... if someone uses them in a slow moving bot or one that is static half the time it will spend a lot of time looking back and forth in endless loops. Hence all the blah blah blah about spimmer and it's eyes...
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 01:10:23 PM by Moonfisher »

Offline d-EVO

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Challenge #3: Neural Network
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2008, 04:05:27 PM »
I actualy al ready new exactly what eye5 and refeye did ( I have baisicaly memorised all the sysvars on wiki).

my bot doesnt use that kind of aiming system so it never has that problem.
my system cant be fooled by mimmicry, it checks to see if the refbot has the same out as my bot. if it does it knows it is not friendly because there is only a 1 in 100 chance that a friend can have the same out puts.

The only thing I wasn't completly sure of was how to implement a neural network into a bot.
1:      2 is true
2:      1 is false