Code center > Specialization, Metabolism, Digestions and Env Grid

What reactions we want to have?

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I am working on designing a metabolism for DBs.  I am going to stick my head out and guess that my make/break system together with Nums' enzyme systems will be accepted and coded into the next version, allowing all this metabolism to happen in DBs.  So I am asking here, what molecules do we want to have in metabolism at this point? (remember, the system will be open-ended and will allow to easily add more molecules later).

So far I have included steps for making the following molecules from energy

1. Fat (good energy-strage compound)
2. Carbs (good energy storage, but take up a lot of space)
3. Protein (cost a lot, poor energy recovery, but allow creation of muscles, enzymes, venom, poison, shell and slime)
4. Production of urea or "waste"

I am also planning to add the following things:

4. Photosynthesis reaction
5. Creation of muscles, enzymes, venom, poison shell and slime

I've heard suggestions to add lignin, cellulose, chitin.  I am not sure about the usefulness of that.  These are all analogous to "shell" in their properties and we already have "shell" molecule.  I see a possibility of making "shell" a property of molecules (instead of it being a molecule itself).  Some molecules would provide a lot of "shell" (chitin, lignin, cellulose), others - little or none at all (fat).  So the total "shell" amount is counted from all molecules that bot has and then is used to deter incoming shots.  Please don't discuss this in this thread, make a separate one.

I also know that many people want to have anaerobic energy-producing reactions.  I can add that, but please realize that these reactions are very inefficient.  For example, if you break down glucose in aerobic conditions - you get ~120 ATPs.  But if you break down glucose in anaerobic conditions, you only get 2 ATPs.  This means that all your anaerobic-style bots will be barely alive.

Sounds good.

I say that we definitely have to differentiate between animal meat and vegetable tissue. Call it protein versus Cellulose or whatever but an important issue is that animals and veggies should not be digested with the same enzyme. That way we can get specialized plant eaters, carnivors and something in between

 :D  PY  :D

sounds good, but have you included all the other chemical reactions, like the Fe one, the sulfur photosytensis and stuff like that?

That is a good point Zelos.

We really need these lesser used reactions like the Sulfer system so that we can model specific environmental niches like black smokers.

Another thing we are going to need at some point is temperature ranges for robots. They will need to be able to tell temp from the grid and decide if they can survive at that level. Temperature survivability is another feature that will need to be evolved somehow.

 :D  PY  :D

OK, I'll add the sulfur reaction.  But how can we model the sensitivity of that reaction to oxygen?  I will just assume that program will check if oxygen is around and "kill" the enzyme.  I'll label the oxygen-sensetive reactions as such.

About temerature adaptation.  We can always say that another two bits around the enzyme sequence would code for "temperature resistance".  The beauty of Nums system is that we can add more and more of these things if necessary :)


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