Author Topic: zerobot sim  (Read 10815 times)

Offline Light

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zerobot sim
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2007, 02:29:45 PM »
I just re read the conversation and to awnser my own question its the 2nd one but it needs to evolve the start?

Offline EricL

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zerobot sim
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2007, 03:46:07 PM »
You got it.  

In my opinion, the second is preferred even though yes, it must evolve the start ahead of any reproduction logic.  My reason is that starting from pure 0's imparts the least information and therefor maximizes flexability in how evolution may proceed.   One may argue that the start does not add much information, but it adds something.  It gets placed at the beginning for one thing, where evolution probabily would evolve junk DNA ahead of it which could possibly come into play later.

That said, it's a minor nuance to be sure.  In particular, entires whose ancestrial genome contain a start are elligable for the conditional logic evolution prize.
Many beers....

Offline EricL

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zerobot sim
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2007, 04:01:22 PM »
Just FYI, I want to point out that it is technically possible for a bot with a completly empty genome to replicate and eventually evolve.

There are at least two ways I can think of for an empty genome bot to reproduce.  One is through waste build up triggerring the altzheimers routine which results in a positive value being written to one of the reproduction locations.  The other is via info shots from another organism in the sim such as a mutated nrg supply veggie.

Enough of these externally forced reproductions (with the probability of associated insertion mutations) and a bot with a genome long enough to eventually point-mutate into a self replciator will emerge.  It might take a very very long time however.
Many beers....