General > Short Bots league

Shortbot League table


Old Henk:
Link for: Running the leagues yourself
Link for: Error reporting (bugs with league or errors with links and bot DNA or problems running the league yourself.)
* League: Shortbot
* Last update: 08.07.07
* Shortbot League Rules
* This league was run on DB v2.43(March 05 dates mean the bot was probably designed earlier.)

Top Bots in Shortbot league:[/b]

1 - Aura (1G)(abyaly)-29.03.2007
2 - Una (1G)(Elite)-23.01.06
3 - The One (1G)(Shen)-23.04.05
4 - Spanish Conquistador (6GVir)(Numsgil)-12.05.05
5 - Two (2GVir)(Endy(Mod)-23.06.05
6 - Furiae (6G)(Light)-21.04.05
7 - Speedy(6GVir)(Peter)-27.06.07
8 - Little Ninja (Henk)-Missing from bestiary
9 - Black flower (Henk)-Missing from bestiary
10- Expletus Unocomplitus (1G)(Jez)-11.03.04
11- Vector 1.0 (1G)(Abyaly)-04.05.06
12- Expletus Sexcomplitus (6G)(Jez)-11.03.04
13- Devincio Solo (1G)(PY)-05.04.05
14- Ever Jans bot (6G)(Ever Jan)-08.03.04
15- First bot ADV (6G)(Henk(Mod))-05.03.04
16- Devincio Minimalis 6G)(PY)-21.02.05
17- Schoonmaker alternate (Henk)-Missing Can find Schoonmaker but not alternate
18- Duo Minimalis (5G)(Anonymous Guest Person)-23.02.05
19- Dagblad Activia (6G)(Henk)-05.03.04
20- One Man Bucket (SS)(F2)(abyaly)-03.04.07
21- Asterus Igni (6G)(F1)(Esrever)-22.02.05
22- First bot (4G)(Jez)-04.03.04
23- Animal Minimalis (4G)(Numsgil)-10.03.05
24- D. Blinder(Light) (5G)(Joan Escala)-01.03.04
25- Jezs (1G)(Jez)-12.11.03
26- Shens Evobot (Shen)-Missing, could find one but not a SB
27- Robodog (Viplex)-Missing from bestiary
28- Hollowers (1G)(Hollower)-06.08.03
29- Una 3.0 (1G)(Elite)-29.04.06

Shortbotleaguetable.txt and zipped Shortbotleague available below for download.


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