Here's something that I thought would be fun, and stimulate innovation.
Rather than an ongoing league, I'm going to set little bot-engineering challenges for any takers to solve. I'll announce the rules, the DB version required, sometimes a sim file, and the objectives.
Challengers will have a a few weeks, specified beforehand, to come up with a solution and PM me their bot. Only one bot per challenger, and you should make sure it works before sending.
There will be three objectives, with increasing difficulty.
Completing the first, easiest objective will get you a bronze award. Completing the second objective, which is usually an extension of the first, will get you a silver award. Completing the third, which will usually contains a whole new level of difficulty, will get you a gold award.
Winners will be displayed in a bot challenge hall of fame.
Would it be possible for me to have my own subforum in 'General' for this?
In the mean time, use this thread to comment. What do you think of the idea?