[Griz] - doesn't making repro dependant on age mean that the bots may be born with v low energy? This seems a little unfair... although I guess bots born to a parent with high energy have a greater chance of survival than those with lower.
they may ...
as elite says ... survival of the fittest.
'tis an experiment after all ...
why bot let the bots determine what works or what doesn't?
if they can't hack it ... kiss 'em goodbye. ;)
anyway, these aren't regular bots ...
but elite's idea of having a punctuated reproduction.
those that survive their #of cycles get to reproduce
however many offspring they can support.
it's interesting to watch the spurts ...
a bot set to 500 cycles reproducing twice as often ...
but with half the offspring [or less anyway] than the
bot using a period of 1000.
so far, the longer period bots are winning out ...
but I imagine this might vary depending on which
others they have to compete against.
will see what mutations bring on.
it's interesting to watch ...
as one gets one reproducing at 500 cycles into the sim ...
as well as at 1000 along with a 2nd bot ....
and again at 1500 with both the 2nd and 3rd as well ...
so there are large spurts and all of that is dependant
upon the veggie population as well.
just experimenting.
run it and see for yourself
btw ... in version 2.37.6 ... I still have a lot of problem with
the population control ... NOT controlling.
the max limit seems to be ignored most of the time ...
my bot population usually ending up nearly double what I set ...
actually, as if it adds the max number and the repro level setting.
yet .. at other times, it seems to work.
iwo, I don't have much to say about it.