I've done a couple of different tests of DB's randomness, and found it to be pretty good. The two main tests were a coin flipping bot and an ouija board bot.
The coin flipper basically tested if the rnd numbers were weighted towards one end or another for:
1 rnd 50 addstore.
*50 *.robage div 51 store
'Average of all random flips
There were no problems found.
The Ouija bot was to test if the rnd nums could form different words(alright too much watching White Noise that night :) )
' 27 therefore 28 random nums 0 and 27 representing space and period respectivly
27 rnd 50 store
27 rnd 51 store
*51 100 mult *50 add 70 store
' for a two letter word
I basically did the above many more times to wind up with 10 letters per cycle.
No words or ghosts were in evidence at the time, unless they were highly concerned with acronyms. :wacko:
For me this proves DB's randomness works reasonably well and doesn't need improvement.
Oh yeah, Zelos:
Added up a Whimsical section on the wiki if you're interested in making up a Db early history.