People who have the talent, time and interest to be hardcore form the top power users
yes. that comes thru Numbs, loud and clear.
but you see ...
there is also this idea of bringing others along ...
not excluding those who are not as talented as yourself ...
those who make up the base of support for the success of any program ...
the end Users. the general public, the 'commoners'.
if you want this to be anything other than a pet project for your own
programming amusement ... you have to include them.
[how many users do you figure DB really has?]
and I tell you my friend ...
you aren't worth a shit when it comes to communicationg/interacting
with those folks. that is my own direct experience anyway.
now my talent lies in being a 'troubleshooter' ...
in finding 'problems' and 'shortcomings' ... in any system.
I'm a systems control dude ... that's what I know how to do ...
what I get paid very well for doing in the real world ...
and I'm pretty good at it.
part of that is the writing of procedures to guide those who are not
familiar through the steps they need to take to make something work.
ie ... the User/Operator ... to bring them up to speed, so to speak.
now in the world I live in, I also know enough about the details that
I can also come up with the solutions to the problems I sus out.
in this case, with VB, I don't yet have the expertise to go in and isolate
or tell you preciesly what needs to be changed ...
I don't yet know how to make sense of your code.
you wrote the code, know what it means, what it does, and where it is.
I do not.
and therefore you find it easy to blow me off because I can't point
directly at where it is messed up ...
as if there are no problems that actually need to be addressed.
I get that. believe me, I get that.
you, PY ... a few others, including Bots, btw ...
do have the expertise to actually address and make the changes ...
but you first have to be open to seeing that they exist ...
and willing to do something about it.
and I'm sorry ... I just don't see much interest in this area rom you.
you have your own agenda/priorities.
so tell you what I'll do ...
I'll report in as much detail as possible ...
the bugs if/when/where I find them ...
and do what I can at the wiki to help those coming in cold to at least
see if they can get a version working so they don't throw up their
hands in frustration and give up.
that's not easy, as I still have a lot of trouble myself but ...
will at least pass on what I find as I find and resolve it ...
so not everyone has to reinvent the wheel to get DB happening.
am working on getting the full version of PY's Bot tutorial there ...
and Endy is working on documenting the DNA commands ...
and whatever else a 'new user' just coming in might find to be of use.
so you go ahead and program your ass off ...
and don't worry about the rest of us ...
except to please address what specific problems you can should I
or other bring them up.
we aren't making this stuff up you know.
for a start:L
seems Testlund has reported, more than once, that Day/Night doesn't work
in 2.4.A ...
and I can't get Leagues to load without crashing.
I can't tell you 'why' ...
just that it crashes.
if I can get it to write an error.sim when it does ...
will pass it along.
btw ...
'true virtue fears no critique' ;)